Friday, April 23, 2010

top ten rules to live by.

I have ten special rules to live by which are;
NEVER GIVE UP. I choose this one because I am a gymnast/cheerleader and I go for everything, which means that I try whatever is possible and I’m not scared, I never give up, and I don’t think anyone else should either.
LIVE LIFE AS IF YOU WERE ABOUT TO DIE. This rule of my life is my favorite because I always try to do that. Even though things might seem extreme, I do anything. You never know when you’re going to die.
NEVER EXPECT LIFE TO BE FAIR. I never see life as fair because situations that you are in are NEVER fair.
THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON TO SMILE. No matter how sad or mad you are, someone always makes you smile. Even if it’s a stranger. I see the world as happy.
KEEP YOUR BAD THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF. You would make somebody mad by saying your bad thoughts about them aloud, but if you keep them to yourself, the world will always be a happy place :)
VALUE YOUR FAMILY. Take the time to love and appreciate them, for you never know when they may be gone
DONT JUDGE. You never know where someone is coming from unless you have walked a mile in their shoes. Keep an open mind.
BE CONFIDENT. Never let anyone get you down.
RECOGNIZE THE SMALL THINGS, BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THEY WILL BECOME BIGGER. Take time to realize what’s actually in the world because someone who is just a “nobody” can always become “somebody.”
DONT HOLD GRUDGES. They will come back to haunt you like karma.